Intiatives inspired from Baraka’s Life
Baraka always believed in giving back to the community that nurtured her intelectual and spiritual curiosity. The Foundation honours her legacy by continuing these initiatives.
Cambridge Central Mosque
Baraka had a deep devotion to her faith and was very proud to be both British and Muslim. She dedicated herself to raising funds for the completion of the Cambridge Mosque, a prayer space of spiritual tranquillity and unique eco-design open to all.
Macmillan Cancer Support
Throughout her journey in fighting cancer, Baraka developed a compassionate, heartfelt connection with Macmillan Cancer Support. Baraka helped spread the word about Macmillan giving birth to her very own campaign: ‘Make Every Breath Count’.
Baraka Khan Visitor Gallery
Baraka’s Open House
Baraka’s Open House celebrates life, faith and learning. Baraka specially requested that an open house event be held every year to allow friends and family to come together in her memory; to share thoughts, reflections and a common purpose.
Calligraphy Course
Baraka’s unwavering commitment to calligraphy has inspired the Foundation to continue this art form, encouraging others to take the opportunity to learn from esteemed calligrapher Shaykh Moustafa Hassan. Learn more about the programme.
BKF Huffaz Awards
The BKF Huffaz awards have been named in Baraka’s honour to recognise the achievements of students who complete the memorisation of the Holy Qur’an. Every year, a graduation ceremony is held for these students who complete the process and receive a prize.
Sarrat Park Playpen
This climbing frame is gifted in loving memory of Baraka, brave of heart and strong of faith. Located in Sarrat Park, Rickmanworth.
Coral Reef Preservation
This coral reef has been sponsored by the Baraka Khan Foundation. It was transplanted to the Parrot Reef area on 24th July 2024, with the species Pocillopora damicornis, Pocillopora sp., Acropora tenuis, Acropora nasuta.
Baraka Breathes Book
A collection of poems written by Baraka Khan, encapsulates the essence of a remarkable young woman whose impact transcended her short life span.