Baraka is truly incredible. Her grace and elegance in all situations was unfaltering, her humour shining always, her deep devotion to her Lord and her love for His Beloved (peace be upon him) ever-increasing.
Her kindness and care for all around her was really quite remarkable. She was very thoughtful and would give full attention to whoever she was speaking with, remembering every detail. Sometimes in our pain we forget others are hurting too, but not Baraka. Even going through all that she was, she would forget no-one and would always be concerned for those around her.
The discomfort she was in whilst in hospital did not change that at all. Even with the load she was carrying when she knew Ebrahim had come to see her she would sit up, and with the biggest smile she would greet him like there was nothing wrong and his arrival was the only thing in the world that mattered.
Baraka had a calm and peace around her. She would often stop to savour the moment; whether it be whilst speaking about an ayah in the Quran or hadith, talking about a poem or in conversation, or even out walking be it in a park or elsewhere. She would find the beauty in everything around her and take the time to appreciate it fully.
Allah gave us time with Baraka and has now chosen to take His amanah back. We wait for the day we will be gathered together once more, in His presence with His Beloved (peace be upon him), until then we will remain connected through the ruh.
Baraka is truly a blessing from Him to all who were honoured to have known and been touched by her. I am extremely grateful and proud to have had her as my wife and my friend.