Mother Teresa once said, “Kind words are short and easy to speak, but their echoes are endless”. This is how I will remember my dearest Baraka, forever kind with the nicest things to say.
I remember when Baraka was a baby/ toddler. she had the most beautiful and inviting chubbiest cheeks in the world. I used to pull and kiss those cheeks for long periods at any one time and Baraka used to sit there and let me get on with it even though i’m sure it was annoying her! That was Baraka, kind and patient a trait that stayed with her throughout her life. I could not attend her wedding which i so wanted to attend, Baraka knew this and sent me messages and pictures so I would not feel left out. That was Baraka, forever thoughtful towards others. When Baraka was first diagnosed with her illness, my sister and I flew to London to see Baraka. We spent the day laughing so much, Baraka told me to stop as her cheeks were hurting from the laughter. When we were leaving, Baraka gifted us with a bracelet as a token of her love. That was Baraka, wholeheartedly generous.
Baraka has changed my life in more ways than she will ever know. Whenever I am feeling down, I think of how Baraka smiled throughout her illness and treatment. Whenever I feel things are not going my way, I think of how Baraka accepted and never questioned Allah’s will for her. Whenever I feel I am losing hope and strength, I think of how determined Baraka was.
Baraka was and will always be a true inspiration. Two nights ago, I was talking to a friend and telling her about Baraka. With tears in her eyes she said she wished she could have known her. I was one of the lucky ones to have had the privilege of calling Baraka my family.
I love you Baraka, always.
lots of love Shadia Appi